I've got nothing really important to inform you guys on, I just haven't blogged since Sunday.
School's been the same, nothing interesting at home as happened and I haven't been anywhere with my mates for about a week or two.
The only productive thing i've actually done, was, I made up my own bass riff and I learned a song i've been yearning to learn for ages ( Avril Lavigne's 'Tomorrow' ), but I couldn't find the right chords... until up to now of course.
It's a brilliant song, it may not be as legendary as 'November Rain' by Guns N' Roses or 'Imagine' by John Lennon, but it's a song you listen to when you're feeling down in the dumps and it gives you motivation to move on. The lyrics are amazing and creative, yet at the same time so simple.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONLr-zweXH0 <--- Live Performance of 'Tomorrow' Warning: You may cry!
"And I wanna believe you,
When you tell me that it'll be ok,
Yeah I try to believe you,
Not today, today, today, today, today...
Tomorrow it may change,
Tomorrow it may change,
Tomorrow it may change,
Tomorrow it may change..."
- 'Tomorrow' by Avril Lavigne
I wish I could post all the song lyrics because they're so amazing >.<
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