
Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Hola my hard rocking amigos!

Right no (apart from writing this blog) i'm practicing for my solo GCSE bass piece, my printer unfortunately ran out of ink beforehand, so my dad had to put the music on his USB Drive and take it into work to print off, so thanks dad!

And this song better be good enough for my music teacher because he said it may be limited (e.g repetitive) which most bass lines usually are (not all of them). I wanted something more challenging than I usually play, that can enhance my skill but is still fairly moderate yet can overall get me a good enough grade. So I choose 'Dani California' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, I like the song, like the band and believe it or not, I like playing funk music, or anything with a funky-type bass line. And figured this ought to get me a good enough grade.

Back to my music teacher, I actually saw him in town the other day while I was out with my friends. He looked like he was coming from this new donut shop that's just opened. Went to the revision class at school, I learned nothing, everything the teachers covered we already knew... what a waste of what could have been a possibly good day really.

Let's stop talking about musical problems now, shall we and get on with the rest of the day? Yeah okay.

Well, I went to my revision class today and it was shit. Learned nothing new, everything the teachers covered we all knew (which is good in some aspect), but I expected to learn more (lol swat). Anyways, we were allowed to leave early after dinner and I was outta there straight away.

And that was my day :3

"Getting born in the state of Mississippi,
 Papa was a copper, mama was a hippie.
 In Alabama she would swing a hammer,
 Price you gotta pay when you break the panorama." 
              -'Dani California' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

*This blog was supposed to be posted last night by the way :P*


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