
Sunday, 7 October 2012

Dance Battles

Went out today with Kenny and Meeps (a new friend of mine, obviously 'meeps' is a nickname).

...Aaaaand we had a dance off and a singing battle with these young kids in a nearby park, as terrible as my singing and dancing was, we whooped their asses!

But we gave them credit for taking part and challenged them to another dance off next time we see them, haha!

Short blog I know, but that's probably got to be the highlight of the day :P

"Be-cause-you-don't know us at all we laugh when old people fall.
 But what would you expect with a conscience so small?
 Heavy metal and mullets is how we were raised,
 Maiden and Priest were the Gods that we praised."
                      -'Fatlip' by Sum 41


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