
Thursday, 11 October 2012


Couldn't think of a title so I guess 'schtuff' will do :)

Had right laughs in music (music is a laugh in general) and history, the history teacher wouldn't stop picking on my cousin Kenny, everything she done he had a reaction for it. Even when she took her contact-lenses out he said "Jessica stop the looking in the mirror you vein child" and mimicked everything she said, me and my mate Keith were in fits of laughter. Got absolutely no work done in history too, just sat there scrolling through the pages of memebase.

Actually I saw my history teacher this morning strolling past my form singing his head off, many thoughts wandered through my mind wondering what he gets up to on a morning to make him so happy... hmm...

And yesterday I missed my drum lessons as the teacher wasn't able to make it due to personal issues :'(

Oh well, anyways, tonight i'm going to see 'Disney On Ice', yeah you wouldn't really imagine me, an almost 15 year old girl that likes punk-rock and loud guitars going to see 'Disney On Ice'. I went last year thinking I was going to hate it, I thought it would all be 'High School Musical' and 'Hannah Montana' but it wasn't, it was old Disney like 'Mickey Mouse' and 'The Lion King'. And it's funny watching them slip over on the ice...... i'm a cruel person.

"Hakuna Matata! 
What a wonderful phrase  
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of your days  
It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata!" 


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