
Thursday, 25 October 2012

California Rest In Peace!

Finally, off school for a week!

But I still have homework to do. Like 4 big pieces, two of which include doing a 20 page test :L Then my Art, research about an artist, then write about what I done in lesson. And last but not least music homework, finish my class work, choose (and practice) what I want to do for my solo performance and come up with composition ideas.

I already know what i'm going to do for my solo performance, 'Dani California' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers off their album 'Stadium Arcadium', I just need the sheet music for the bass, then i'll learn it. The deadline isn't until December 14th, but the earlier and longer I practice, the more accurate and better grade i'll get.

And I know what i'm going to do for my musical composition, it's the song I was telling you guys about in my blog 'Writing Songs' . I've got the bass and the guitar worked out completely, I think i've got a potential chorus, all I need to do is to figure out the drums, the rest of the lyrics, figure out a title, and then... BAM! IT'S FINISHED!

As i'm primarily as bass player, i've focused more on the bass to make sure it doesn't sound too boring, which is why the riff I wrote originally for the guitar, is now the riff for the bass. To me the song sounds good so far, probably one of the best songs i've ever written, so I have a good feeling about it.

Hmm... i'm the mood for some Red Hot Chili Peppers!

"California rest in peace.
 Simultaneous release,
 California show your teeth.
 She's my priestess i'm your priest,
 Yeah, yeah!"
             -'Dani California' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers


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