
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

School Blog #4: History Shenanigans... again!

The title says it all.

I'll spare you the long story and i'll put it simply: we were multitasking in history, messing on and working (because we're bosses) our hilarious teacher came over and started messing on too. We somehow got onto the subject about hippies and sir explains how he stomps them and doesn't really like them (in a joking manner). Of course one of my friends happens to love hippies and the whole hippie-vibe and starts to slowly take offense.

On the way out of the classroom our history teacher was still being a comedic-genius and picked up a packet of multicoloured confetti/decorative stars and sprinkled them on us as we were walking out of the door saying "Let the spirit be with you all!".


My friend was pissed, and shot off up the corridor but it was too hard not to laugh, it was so damn funny!

History is now my new favourite lesson along music. 


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