
Monday, 24 September 2012

Epic School Moment: School Blog #6 !

Today was the epicest moment in Rachel history ever! *drumroll*:

 I got locked in the school toilets, ta-da!

Yes, I got locked in the school toilet cubicle for about 15-20 minutes. 4 teachers had to come and rescue me and budge the lock in the door. I found this absolutely hilarious, as so did my friends. It's a good thing i'm not claustrophobic otherwise i'd be truly screwed and crying.

Also, in PE I put my tracksuit bottoms on back-to-front, put my hand accidentally in yogurt, had a spider on the gym mats I was lying on (shat myself), got my trousers hidden in the changing rooms, my tie stolen by my friend and I got pushed outside by my friends (and other lads we were hanging around with)... it was absolutely lashing it down with rain.

Good thing about today is I finished my story based on the man that couldn't speak in the 'Miracle On St Davids Day' poem. The teacher read it and said it was a Grade B, but with extra variation it could become an A!

So, I was quite proud of myself, all I need to do now is finish typing it up, I titled it 'The Man That Couldn't Speak'.

And that concludes my day! Buzzing for the music trip on Thursday!


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