
Saturday, 15 December 2012

My Conscience Is Good.

Went out somewhere today (I can't remember where) and look what I got! :D

Damn, you don't know how long i've spent looking for this New Found Glory CD and the Blink-182 Dude Ranch CD, literally, months I have been wanting these. And since it was 2 for £10, I bought Blink's self titled album too ( as the NFG album I bought separately in another shop ).

I also gave money to the Gracehouse Appeal and to a musician playing on the streets, he had an amazing singing voice and was really good at playing the guitar, so I couldn't resist but give money. My conscience feels good :)

And some little fucker threw something towards me and it stuck to my jacket, so I threw it on the floor, only then I found out it was a bomb-bag and it exploded on the floor, so I turned around and yelled at him and his little chav friend... really, really loud.

Yeah I have a hot temper.


"I wired these nerves together,
 Hoping for a chance to think on time.
 And i'm tracing over your letter,
 To see if your intentions are as good as mine"
         -'Understatement' by New Found Glory (Sticks and Stones)

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