
Thursday, 13 December 2012

El Pingú and why you SHOULD play with photobooth!

Thursday today, for once it's been a boring Thursday, kind of. Music was fun, but not as fun as it usually is because 2 of my friends were off. The only fun thing about music is that I recorded my solo piece 'Dani California' by Red Hot Chili Peppers on bass, but I have to do it again after this term because I got a few things wrong, but other than that, my teacher said it was really good and I performed in confidently :)) .

Dani California Music Video Screenshots

The other fun thing about music is after I recorded, I went into another recording room with my friend Adam (whom was supposed to be recording but left it until last minute) and basically, we messed on with a bongo drum and were being idiots in general. He also showed me a video of him jump-kicking a door and falling over, as well as him showing me a video of having a metal cup that he owns, lit with flames inside and he claimed it to be the 'Goblet Of Fire' from Harry Potter. Yeah right.

...Then when the teacher came in, and asked me:

"Rachel, have you done your other recording"
"Uh, yeah, I think"
"Can you show it to me?-"

*conversation actually went like that no joke*

And then I had to do my other recording of some shitty melody composition I made up in last weeks music lesson I was supposed to finish. Were we recording my melody on the schools Ipad's they own, and it just so happens that the Ipad's have an app called 'Photobooth'

And Photobooth + students = a bad, idiotic, yet hilarious idea!

Basically, what Photobooth is, if you don't know, is an app where you can take photos of yourself in various funny effects, such as warping your face etc...

Later on, since me, Kenny and my other friend Nikita, all had to record at lunch, we got into the dinner hall late. But as we eventually got in, our head of year made his way towards our table, looked at my friends' sandwich and said: "That looks like a you lost the game sandwich". Well, my friends play this thing called 'The Game', and I absolutely hate it, it's so annoying. Well, these are the rules:

'Rule 1: You are playing 'The Game'.
You, along with everyone else in the world, always is, always has been,
and always will be playing The Game. Neither awareness nor consent is required to play.

Rule 2: Every time you think about the word: 'The Game', you lose.
Loss is temporary; as soon as you forget about these words: 'The Game' you stop losing.
The objective of The Game is to forget that it exists. Good luck.

Rule 3: Loss of 'The Game' must be announced.
Every time you think about The Game, and hence lose, you must say so.
This is the only rule that can be broken, but do you really need to cheat..?'

And that my friends, is the game.

Anyways, back to my story. Now my friends associate 'The Game' with the word 'Penguin' (I don't know why they just do'. And Kenny yelled 'Penguin' to our head of year, and was mind-fucked as he had no idea what she was talking about. And proceeded to tell us that 'Pingüino' means 'Penguin' in Spanish, as he's a Spanish teacher. And Kenny said she thought it was going to be 'Pingú' hence the title name 'El Pingú'.

And that is it for today my friends!


"California rest in peace
Simultaneous release,
California show your teeth,
She's my priestess, I'm your priest"


  1. Fuck you I just lost the game :(
    El Pinguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (With an accent ;) )
