
Monday, 28 January 2013

So, Lor wanted me to blog (or seemed like it), so here you go.

Friday, I went to Lauren's house for an early birthday gathering and I really enjoyed it. The 'party' was hat themed, so everybody hat to come wearing a hat, I wore my beanie, Lor wore an Australian hat, Lauren wore on of her 'angry hats'.

Just to fill you in on the creation 'angry hat':

Last year we were doing a workshop with the Young Americans (search it up if you don't know what it is) and at the end of this three day workshop we were going to do a performance. So as we were sitting around waiting for everybody to set up, our friend Lauren who was sitting two rows in front of us, started yelling at a girl because she was constantly kicking her chair. She eventually began to get really angry, and turned around and once again yelled, but only this time her hat fell off. Me and Lor were laughing our heads heads off, and soon came up with the phrase 'angry hat'. Now whenever Lauren starts losing her cool, we just say 'angry hat' to her to reflect this hilarious moment.

Today, nothing much interesting happened, aside from the fact I was sitting at a dinner table with my friends and this proper fight between Year 9 kids on the table behind us broke out, and they knocked into us as were we eating our dinner, one of them accidentally missed the other one, and punched the back of Kenny's head. Then the whole hall went silent and stood up to watch the fight, then the teachers soon came and broke it all up.

Then after school I had to go to the doctors about my spots on my forehead, my appointment was at 5, there were only a few people in the waiting room yet we had to wait 50 minutes before I had actually gotten seen to. I have to take a course of antibiotics and also a nasal spray for my nose (i've had a blocked nostril for about 2 years now) and then I came home, had my tea and started writing this.

And that's all for today :)


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