
Wednesday, 9 January 2013

And the school kick starts again.

Just started school again on Tuesday after having 2 weeks of holidays, so I thought i'd blog again :) 

First day back wasn't that bad actually, despite the fact I was given a detention for not completing my homework (though I actually tried) and I was supposed to do it tonight but I got let off, yay :D

Anyways, as you know, my friends and I want to go to California and go on a road trip when we're older, however, one friend of mine doesn't want to go. And that's okay, but damn we had so much in store for her, like pulling hilarious pranks on her. She actually had a go at us when we asked if she changed her mind and said that this whole thing is stupid and it will probably never happen, that we'll completely forget about it and that we need to grow up and get a life.

But let's just rewind today back shall we?

Earlier, coming out of RE on our way to dinner, this lad standing that had just came out of our RE class, made a creepy face at my friend, so, she decided to yell "Rachel, protect me"and doing so grabbed me, and hid behind me. So, in my defense, I nudged her off me with my elbow (or at least what seemed like a nudge) and she yelled again "Ow, that really hurt, why'd you do that"? I didn't realize how hard I elbowed her, to be honest I didn't know that I even hurt her in the first place. All my friends, know for a fact that I don't like people in my personal space without my permission, which is why I don't give hugs, instead I just do the knuckle-respect-thing every time I greet them, agree with them and when I say bye. And she knows that better than anyone else. Anyways, after I 'hurt' her, she started pushing me, and consistently poking at me then afterwards laughing about it, making it obvious she was attempting to annoy me. Which pissed me off.

Please don't take this the wrong way, audience, i'm not talking behind her back, she knows I have a blog, it just kinda pisses me off when people are hypocritical.

Also, considering we wanted to save up more money, Lor and Me decided we could try and get jobs as Dog Walkers. Walking people's dogs that are incapable of doing it, busy or just plain lazy, for a fee of course :) so excited about that :D

And I think that's all i've got to write about now :)


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