
Sunday, 12 May 2013

Angry Blog

Angry blog today.

Why i'm angry:

#1 For the time I have to share a room with my younger brother and he is the laziest fucking bastard i've ever came across in my entire life. Everywhere he goes he's leaves a fucking untidy mess, there's a bin in my room and he still leaves crisp packets, empty drink cartons and sweet wrappers everywhere on the fucking floor. Also, what really pisses me off is he drinks a lot of juice, like full cups and bottles full of juice and leaves it lying either on the floor or anywhere where there is space available and never tidies up.

#2 My sister is the fucking brattiest girl you may possibly meet. Everybody says she can't be horrible because she ACTS like an angel. But let me tell you, when she doesn't get her way she'll fucking scream the house down. For example, the other day she was doing homework, or looking for homework not watching TV, I pick up the TV remote and change the channel over and she screams at the top of her lungs at me and she's only 8. And adding to that, she never does what she's told, you could feel practically ill and ask her politely to stop being a nuisance, and what does she do? She only goes and be's more of a nuisance.

Honestly, as much as I love my family because they provide a roof over my head and food on the table even though we just manage to get by, they can be so fucking annoying at times.

And sometimes the people that hang around with us are fucking annoying too.

And here's why they can be annoying:

The other day I was eating my packed lunch in school, and this girl who hangs out with us can't exactly afford to pay for food at school everyday (even though there's an option to have FREE SCHOOL MEALS if you can't afford much). But that day she had a decent meal, a ham and cheese panini (or whatever it was) and a cake for desert. Anyways, I get out my amazingly amazing chocolate squares bar outta my bag and open the wrapper. And I was just about to eat it when my friend said something, and just as I replied, my 'mate' sitting beside me nicks a huge fucking chunk off the end of my bar and eats it.

You may not think of it as a big deal, but it's one of my pet peeves when people bother you for food (unless you're homeless or a really cute dog, then I feel sympathy for you)

But what a fucking prick, you don't just steal food off someone and then eat it without their permission that's so fucking bad mannered. So I turned around and said:
"What the fuck are you doing man?"
And my friend who also saw it said to her "What the hell [insert her name here] you don't just take food from people"
And she just looked at us as if we were stupid and as if she did nothing wrong.

I mean come on, this is what free school meals are for, for people that can't exactly afford food everyday. And I feel sorry for her in a way but you don't just go and steal food off people for fucks sake.


Angry blog over for today, now if you excuse me, i'm going to listen to 'The Masterplan' by Oasis to calm me down.

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