
Thursday, 29 November 2012

Ambushed!.... by a door.

Surprisingly, the week has flown by! Usually it drags until Thursday, so life must be feeling extra nice towards me today (sort of).

Anyways, yes today is Thursday which means... double music 1st and 2nd lesson woo! Music was actually really good today, much better than usual. We done something productive for once... we went on xylophones.

*actual xylophones we had in school*

I know it may sound boring to you, but it was quite amusing. We were making up our own melody's and presenting them and stuff.

And for some reason during the lesson, me and my friend Jay were silently laughing our heads off. I don't even know why like seriously, he just looked up to me and was laughing his balls off, which set me off laughing. As far as I know, we weren't laughing at anyone's melodies or mistakes, we were just purely laughing. I think it was because 2 of my other friends (Joe and Adam) got sent out of the lesson, and they seemed pretty pissed off about it because they were messing on with the keyboards. I don't really know :P

After double music, it was break, met up with my friends whom I usually hang around with and as I walked up the stairs, a double door ambushed me from behind and the metal handle smacked off the back of my head. It really fucking hurt.

So off I went to the medical room... after break ended.

Okay, i'll admit, I exaggerated it just so I could get sent home (which never happened F.Y.I.) to avoid ancient history because lately my teacher has started being a dickhead towards us, so the office rang my mam. I waited for almost an hour in there just to find out i'd only get sent back to lessons again. And guess what? The teacher wasn't even in, we had a supply.

I only knew the supply for about 15 minutes and she was so much more nicer than the actual teacher himself. And we also had her for Art last lesson as well, which was quite fun!

Also, our school keeps chickens and I saw them up close... they kept on getting closer to me.

And that was my day!... my painful, amusing day!


ALSO! The other day I got a full tube of green glitter thrown all over me by one of my friends' younger cousins. It was quite funny actually, so now I am known as the 'Glitter Fairy' by some of my friends :P ....... just thought that would be an interesting story to share :)

Sunday, 25 November 2012

The Sage

Off to The Sage soon, in fact, i'm picking my friend up it precisely 15 minutes. It should be good. The blog is short for now, but as soon as I come back i'll promise to update :D

And the cream I got worked, that darn spot id finally gone! Woohoo!



Well, The Sage was really good! The conductor, believe it or not was quite the comedian, and the orchestra was really good. They played Jurassic Park, and I was over the moon when the did. The conductor got us (the whole audience) to yell "5...4...3...2...1... Thunderbirds are go!" before they played the Thunderbirds theme tune. And at the end they played 'Ghostbusters' and got us all to take part singing.

I wouldn't really listen to orchestral music, but since it was sci-fi themed, I quite enjoyed it!

Aaand there's my update! :3

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Match Days

Been to the Sunderland vs West Brom match today with my Auntie, my older 2 cousins and one of their boyfriends. I had a good time, but very disappointed at the score 4-2 to West Brom.

It's hilarious hearing the men yelling their heads off, calling the players. This man standing behind me was swearing all the way through the match insulting one of our players Adam Johnson. To be honest, he wasn't playing very good, he kept on giving the ball away, but oh my god it was hilarious hearing this mans booming voice screaming his top off.

At the end of the match we decided instead of walking along the seats, we would climb down them because it was quicker. My auntie didn't realize how steep the step was and fell on the guy in front of her. Fortunately she wasn't hurt, and instead she was hugging the guy for like 10 seconds straight. I was laughing my head off whereabouts my cousin was so embarrassed. My auntie couldn't of cared less either and the guy was laughing too. Ah, the joys of football matches.

Looking forward to tomorrow as well, as you know i'm going to The Sage in Gateshead for a sci-fi odyssey. Unfortunately this spot on my lip is still here, my mam went out and bought some cold-sore cream and its supposed to be applied 5 times every day every 4 hours, and it doesn't look as bad as it did this morning :L hopefully it'll reduce by tomorrow night. Or i'll just have to go to my final dreaded resort and wear..... make up eurgghhhhh.

Instead of the usual song quote, let's put just a few quotes from the guy standing behind me swearing his head off:

"Well done Johnson, you're doing great, keep it up! You fucking useless twat..."
"Johnson man, what the fuck are you doing?!"
"Show your fucking dedication"
"Johnson you bastard what are you doing man!"

And this is why I love football matches! :D



Oh my god, Cone McCaslin and Todd Morse's side band, 'The Operation MD' re-tweeted me on twitter, oh my god. Fangirling. My idols recognize me. I love Cone. Todd is amazing. Ahhhhh >.<

I should be used to this I get quite a few RT's from the people I look up to. BUT STILL.

Look at Cone's perfect blue eyes and black spiky hair, look at Todds amazing brown eyes OH MY GOD.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Welcome to... Jurassic Park!

Freaking finally... it's friday!

I've had this spot on my top lip that just flared up on Wednesday and it's done my nut in, seriously, all day during lessons I had to hide my mouth it was just so embarrassing. I even put on some concealer my friend lend me, and i'm not one to ever put make-up on (eyeliner is acceptable though). I put TCP on which had a burning sensation on my lip, I know it's good for it but I had to wipe it off. So instead I put a warm cotton ball that was soaked in water to open it up and I carefully squeezed most of the white crap out and immediately put Sudocrem on.

It better not still be on my lip on Sunday because i'm going on a trip with my music class to The Sage in Newcastle to watch an orchestra play a sci-fi themed performance. They'll be playing the themes to 'Lord Of The Rings', 'Doctor Who' 'Star Wars' and 'Jurassic Park' etc..

I know its a spot and it's normal for a teenager to get them, but it's just so horrible and it feels weird when you're talking or eating >.<

Oh, and... I fucking love Jurassic Park, seriously, I used to own the books, games and I still own the DVD's of it. AND OHMYGODTHEREMIGHTBEANEWJURASSICPARKMOVIEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

It's Finally Arrived!

I've been waiting for this day for 4 months now!

When I first started my blog (about 4-5 months ago) I made a couple of posts about this music course I was going to at the time, well, I went with my mate and became friends with a few guys so we decided we would be a group.

Being in a group with these guys was awesome, for the 5 days we attended this course, all we did was write, play music, gamble for gummy turtles (or frogs, whatever they were :P) and talk in Herbert the Pervert voices. And we eventually got to record this song we made and also performed it live.

This happened all the way back in August, and it's only arrived today, yeah, sure the album only has 5 tracks on it but still, and the sound quality isn't brilliant either (because all the instruments were recorded together instead of separately) but still! It's an achievement in my life to have an original song on an album.

Our song 'Peace and Quiet' isn't something i'd particularly play or listen to as it leans towards the indie genre than rock/punk, but I enjoyed playing and recording it, and had an awesome time all together, and that's what really counts!

Aaand I hope it doesn't sound as if i'm boasting, i'm honestly not, i'm just so darn excited.

Damn, I miss hanging around with those dudes!

' Mam: You'll have to keep that album one day so when you're famous you can show your fans your earlier work ' :))


Thursday, 15 November 2012

Stand Up To Bullying.

Today has made me extremely peed off.

You all know I hate chavs with a passion, and you all know I hate posers and people that act all hard when they can't even stand up for themselves etc...

You may have read another one of my blogs a week back or so and you probably read what happened on November 5th, if not i'll explain further.

On November 5th one of the chavs in our school headbutted one of the girls that hangs around with us in the face, and made her teeth and everything because she misheard what she said and thought she was insulting her.

Well, only just today, the chav scum that she is attacked her again. My friend must have felt a little down in the dumps (or so she seemed) and went inside by herself. At the end of dinner the next thing I know is people are coming up to me saying that the chav attacked my friend and punched her all over full force in the face. The nurse's wouldn't even let us in the medical room to ask our friend how she was, but people saying she was crying. She also had to go to hospital because of them.

I don't like getting involved in things that doesn't concern me, because I really couldn't give a shit. But if a chav thinks they have a right to go around attacking people they don't like, I will stand up for them and say what I have to say. And I couldn't give one damn if they disagreed with me and if I ended up getting hurt. If my friends or family is getting hassled I will take a stand and stick up for them because I couldn't give one shit if they thought bad of me.

Chavs are just bullies, the whole lot of them and they deserve to be put in their places if they think it's acceptable to go around making people's lives hell just because they don't like them. Heck, I hate most of the people in my school but I don't go around punching them.

And if they're reading this right now and think it's hilarious. You're a waste of the human population and deserve to have nothing good in life unless you redeem yourself, and I don't care whether it's harsh or not. Now go do your drugs, talk like uneducated cunts and see where you end up in life, I dare you. Because you'll probably end up nowhere living on the streets with no jobs asking other people for money. And why should they be helpful to you when you've got nothing helpful to offer other people with? Hm? You think about that.

And if YOU'RE reading this right now and are being bullied (whether its people calling you, being nasty to you over the internet or texts etc...) Please, please take a stand, tell a teacher, tell a parent, tell a friend. Tell anyone you can trust. And if you feel like you can't trust anyone, you've always got these blogs to read over and hopefully I bring humor, happiness and courage to you.

If you want to ask me anything, anything at all, here are some links you can reach through to me:

And I know it sounds cheesy, but listen to music. Music helps a lot! :)


Remember! If someone is making you feel uncomfortable or hurting your feelings in general, it is classed as bullying. It doesn't matter what age you are, or your ethnicity etc... it's still bullying!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Bunsen burner + pyromaniac + my work sheet = bad idea.

Got a few things to blog about what's happened in school, so here ya are:

Monday 12th November

Bunsen burner + pyromaniac + my work sheet = bad idea.

So, on Monday, 2nd lesson. We were doing a practical science experiment, about the 'limestone cycle'. I paired up with my buddy Keith, and well... sometimes he doesn't have any common sense. Here's why:

The 1st stupid thing: He almost set his hair alight. Yup, he done what you just read. Well, he went to light the Bunsen burner, and as it reached the gas, the flame kinda flew up on the tip of his fringe (he has slightly long hair) and singed it. It reeked... And that's what you get when you light a Bunsen burner almost directly over your head.

2nd stupid thing: Keith thought it would be a good idea to make a flamethrower out of the Bunsen burner, and switch on another gas tap. Let's just say it didn't exactly turn out well, and he set my sheet on fire.Yes, he set it on fire. My sheet with instructions on just so happened to be beside the gas tap, one second i'm asking my friend something about the experiment, the next second I turn around to see my worksheet in flames.

We almost shit our duds, in a panic he punched the paper and managed to quickly get it out. It was burnt to a crisp. And then the next thing I know, the teacher walked by asking what happened and Keith made the quick excuse of "I don't know, it must have been too close to the Bunsen burner because it just somehow set on fire" the magical thing was the teacher believed him and he got away scott-free. Crafty bastard.

After knowing each other since fetus' in our mothers womb's. He's still unpredictable.

Wednesday 14th November (Today)

Everyday at break and dinner about 30 chavs (literally, i'm not even exaggerating) go outside behind a building called 'B-Free' and have their daily smoke. Well, the teachers usually walk around there near the end of break to round them all up. But not this time though... well, not exactly.

One of my previous RE teachers decided it would be a good idea to sneak up and chase them all at the beginning of break. But the way he done it, was highly amusing.

He decided to creep carefully around the the teachers car park like a professional ninja, and when he got near the building, he ran like Speedy Gonzales. The next thing you heard was: ' QUICKLY! THE TEACHER IS COMING!" and within the click of a finger, all the smokers legged it as fast as they could inside just to avoid him. It was hilarious.


Me and my mates, including some of the lads that play football near us couldn't stop laughing. Seriously the teacher is as tall as a tree and he claims to have seen 'Slipknot' in concert. It couldn't get any better. And seeing him run like Olympian just added to the amusement.

It was like a crossover of 'Mission Impossible' and 'James Bond', 'twas truly funny. Lor ( explained how hilarious it would to blog this, so here you are :))


Friday, 9 November 2012

Amazing Relations

The title isn't as boring as it sounds, seriously.

We had a early remembrance day today, well, early remembrance silence at least. They played 'The Last Post' at the beginning of the silence, and I almost cried haha. Seriously, my Granda (whom used to be in the army before he left) used to take part in the remembrance parades, but it's not just that, all those that died did it for our country. Without them I probably wouldn't be writing this today.

It was quite disrespectful as a girl sitting at my table in science started laughing during the silence, apparently she laughed the year before as well.

I've been meaning to buy a poppy all week but kept on forgetting to bring in a donation. So I brought some in today only to find they were all sold out, though I asked if they had any and they said 'yes'.

Anyways, on Sunday (actual Remembrance Day) i'm going to attend a Remembrance Day memorial, like I have for the past 2-3 years, but this year i'm going down to Seaham. My cousin Kenny is doing a parade down there with the Air Cadets she attends, but I also wanted to go to one of their memorials this year instead of the usual one. Might see some of my relatives attending it too, most of my male relatives that live in Seaham served in the army, or some sort of services.

My Dad told me one of my Uncles was in the SAS, he was a soldier taken as a war prisoner in Angola (but survived), worked with the Brunei Royal Family, was a body guard for the Sultan of Brunei and was involved in so much more. His name was Alfred Tasker. He is mentioned in the 2008 book SAS Heroes as a Remarkable Soldier, Extraordinary Men.
Cannot believe I am related to this man whether it's distant or not. You can read more about him here: Wearide Heroes: A Life Of Adventure In The SAS


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Obama Likes Blink-182

Yeah the title has nothing to do with the blog, but just a fun fact for you there :)

I was going to blog last night but I forgot! So i'm going to write about yesterday and today, all in one blog.

Monday 5th November 2012

So, yesterday was bonfire night. It was also the first day back to school after a weeks holiday. We had a Science Biology Exam, it was quite easy and hopefully i'll get better marks than I did on the mock test, in which I got a measly 'E' grade on. I didn't find the test hard either, dafuq.

It was an action packed day as well, seems that this chav (that we all hate) came up to one of the girls that hangs around with us and headbutted her. Literally, full-forced headbutted her. Her gums started bleeding and everything. I went off it at her, seriously. Like full on force yelling. You can't just go round headbutting people because you think they've insulted you. And ha'way man, you there's a chance you can give yourself / the other person brain damage.

Chavs, they have absolutely no intelligence whatsoever and have no consideration for anyone but themselves.

Anyways, final thing about my day yesterday is I went to Beamish Museum for Bonfire Night, it was amazing. Love watching fireworks, looks like space is exploding in front of your eyes. I swear, if that is what the end of the world looks like, that would be a damn good last sight for you to see.

Tuesday 6th November 2012

Today was alright I suppose, apart from we had another science test (but just to test what we remember, it doesn't affect our grades, reports or anything) only answered about 15 questions, most people did anyways...

And then we had a test in history :L christ, 3 tests within two days. Welcome to Year 10 and 11, guys.

And that concludes both of my days haha.

"You look like ass, you smell like shitSo why you're such a dick?You walk around like you're the titsYou always make me sick
Bound for agonyYour life's a catastrophe "       - 'A.N.I.C' by Sum 41

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Are You F****** Kidding Me?!

S'up guys.

Have you enjoyed your week? How has your day been today? Oh, you want to know what i've been up to, okay then.

Nothing exciting... i've just been sitting up in my room almost all day doing damn homework and still have loads to do.

Oh I sure do have an exciting life. I guess it is kinda my fault for not doing it earlier on during the week, but who wants to do homework during holidays? Instead of homework, you want to be hanging out with your friends or playing on video games or some shit. Something stress-relieving.

Right now i'm writing in my 'Music Composition Log' about what i've achieved over the weeks. I hate writing so much, and it doesn't help because after me writing in this log, I have to answer questions in a sheet that very much resembles an exam test paper that has 21 pages inside. Fuck my life, man.

C'mon though, the whole point of holidays are to relax and get away from work / school. Not to go to school, do almost six hours of non-stop work and come back home with more work to complete. No wonder so many people hate school so much.

"You took the best years of my life,
 And made it so I couldn't decide. 

 Unable to respond to the beautiful world,
 That goes on and on.
 And on and on."
    - 'Schools Are Prisons' by The Sex Pistols 

Aaaaand I have a Science test first thing tomorrow morning that I need to revise for. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-


Saturday, 3 November 2012

Hi guys, just got my hair cut, it doesn't look totally different but it looks much nicer finally got rid of all those split ends and annoying flicks. Hopefully i'll be able to remember how the hairdresser styled it!

It'll be tough for me to write this blog as other than me getting my haircut and going through to my Nana's for dinner, it's been a boring day. And I didn't do anything this morning as I woke up at quarter to 11 but didn't get out of bed till 5 past because I stayed up late.

I stayed up to watch The Walking Dead I recorded. Holy shit it was amazing! Best episode so far in my opinion, but I won't give you any spoilers ;)

Short blog but still.
