
Saturday, 28 July 2012

Last night was quite good!... if you don't know, I had a sleepover at my cousin's house, and it went a little bit like this:

At the beginning, after her mam and step-dad left to go to the movies, she put on some music and we rocked out. Yup, just us two, alone in the sitting room, head-banging and running around as if we were at a concert in a mosh pit. I also discovered her mam had all three books of '50 Shades Of Grey' and we decided to piss around reading the erotic scenes in funny voices. Yes, it was extremely amusing, too funny for words to describe.

 Afterwards, most of the night we stayed up playing CoD: Modern Warfare 3 and attempted to pwn some n00bz. Now, i'm not brilliant at it, but I will say i've gotten much better at it recently. It was hard to say how many rounds of 'Team Deathmatch' and 'Kill Confirmed' we played, but holy crap it was a lot. To add to the amusement, we played for about 4 hours straight (I think). And during our whole time that we played on her step-dad's PS3, she only got 2 kills in total. But you can't blame her, she's only been playing a week, practice makes you better guys!

Anyways, after our silly shenanigans and non-stop swearing on Modern Warfare 3, we switched over to watching movies and started eating a shit-load of sweets and fizzy pop.

The 1st movie we watched was 'Dead Snow', basically the plot is, a group of German teenagers go up to and stay in a cabin somewhere in the German mountains. Soon after (when the story progresses) they get attacked by Nazi Zombies that are brutally trying to murder them and rip them apart. And they must fight to survive.  The 2nd movie was 'Scream' if you have seen 'Scary Movie' you'll know what it's about, but if you haven't go watch it or look it up :)

The movies weren't even that scary, they were more like a thriller and even jumpy at some parts. But they were still really good to watch.

Then afterwards, we decided to get some shut eye. I got the top bunk and my cousin got the bottom and I feel asleep straight away because i'm a party pooper :D, although it was like 2:30 in the morning.

And that includes my amazing adventure! :D

~ RachLaDudette 

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