
Sunday, 24 February 2013

Broken Finger Shenanigans.

So I haven't blogged in ages, so I thought it was about time to do an update.

Well, tomorrow i'm at school (again), we've had a weeks holiday off, which consisted of nothing but late nights, long lie-ins, eating masses amounts food and going out with friends.

I also broke my finger. Yup, first day of the week off and I broke my pinky finger on my right hand. Want to know how I done it? I punched my dad. We were play fighting, and he was mocking the shirt I was wearing, so I went to hit the top of his arm, but as he was walking his arm moved and I punched his elbow. At first my  parents were like "Oh don't worry, i'm sure it'll be fine" but it wasn't I couldn't bend it, or pick things up and it was hurting like hell (then it eventually went numb) so we got it checked a day later, got an x-ray and found out it was broken. I'm quite chuffed in a sense because i've never broke anything before, so it's a record been broken.

It sucks though because it feels weird when I write, because i'm so used to my pinky resting on a surface when I write, but I can't because I have this mallet splint on my finger which prevents me from resting my hand. Also, I can't open bottles, hold things with my right hand properly. I actually thought I wouldn't be able to play my guitar properly, but I can play it better than I expected I just can't palm mute or hold the plectrum (or pick) with a good grip, other than that it's all gooooood :D

Other than breaking my finger, i've occasionally been out with my friends, which has been a good laugh too, and I also slept over Lor's house which was also a hilarious time as well, we watched 'Stir Crazy', 'Silent Hill 2', 'Salt' (with Angelina Jolie) and a bit of 'Hanna'. We ate food almost all night, had pizza, M&M's, cheese balls etc, it was awesome!

And that was my week!


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

So it's Tuesday, Pancake Day at last! Practiced after school with Jay from 3 till 4 and it was really fun, my buddy Max also came along and listened to us and just had a good time.

We played Smells Like Teen Spirit, In Bloom and a small section of Polly (all by Nirvana) and I also played Jay a few things of my own that I created, and as I was playing he joined in with some random drum beats he made up on the spot, and it actually sounded really good.

I also had to give Max a lesson in music because he said he didn't know who Simple Plan, Sum 41 or Blink-182 were so I gave him my iPod to listen to ha, but at least he knew who Nirvana were so that's alright, i'm satisfied with that :P

But they had to stay half an hour (for some reason?) after school while I could go home and get in my nice cozy house quicker :')

That's my day!

"He's the one that likes,
All our pretty songs and he.
Likes to sing along and he,
Likes to shoot his gun.
But he knows not what it means,
Knows not what it means.
When I say yeah."

-'In Bloom' by Nirvana


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

So far it's been a good week, since last Friday every night i've been out practicing and improving my skating,  yeah, that's right I finally got a board, it was Lor's old board actually, and it's mine until I buy the darkstar i'm saving up for :)

Lor's is the white darkstar, my board is the middle one (apparently an old Alien) and Kenny's is the end Tony Hawk board.

Actually, over the past few days we've been going into the nearby skatepark as it's getting dark, so we can practice when no ones around. I know i'm not very good, but we decided to walk around a few of the ramps, and I thought to myself 'hey, here's a measly little ramp, i'll have a go at going down it'. There was actually a few little kids on their scooters there, and I told them I was shit, so if I fell they could laugh because it would be funny. Turns out that measly little ramp was almost the death of me (not literally). Instead of leaning forward on my board, I leaned backwards and obviously fell backwards and fell flat on my back, bearing in mind the hard concrete floor made it 10x worse. But it was absolutely hilarious, honestly, although I couldn't move properly for about 2 hours, it was worth it.

Also, the day after that, we went to the skatepark again and this little kid riding a scooter questioned my skills. This is how the conversation went.

Him: Can you skate good?
Me: I'm only just beginning.
Him: Can you do kickflips?
Me: No, i've literally just been skating for under a week.
Him: Can you do ollies?
Me: No, (obviously if I can't do kickflips I can't do ollies)
Him: Can you even skate?
Me: Yeah. 

I then get on my board, and show myself up by falling off because I pushed off too hard. Later on when we left, this little kid, once again started being a dick insulting how shit I was (which I already know, haha!). So me and Lor turned around and fucking owned up. Seriously though, unless you're a natural, it takes a while to properly get confident on a skateboard whereabouts on a scooter you're already good at it because you have support with a handle, unlike a skateboard where it just... well a board.

This was also the day Jay asked me if I wanted to create a band with him and I was literally taken back, I was absolutely speechless but i'm freaking excited now! So sometime next week we might stay behind and practice. It's going to be helish!

And that's been my week so far!

But also there's supposed to be this new kid joining tomorrow and my mate Keith has to show him around! :D woo new fwend.
