
Thursday, 30 August 2012

Emotional Rollercoaster... lulz.

I wasn't going to write much in this post, but i've changed my mind and decided I will go through what i'm looking forward for, what i'm not looking forward for and things in general. Here we go!

So, August has been a both good and bad month for me, i've met new people and made hilarious new friends but i've also lost a very important soul during this month. So it feels like i've been on an emotional rollercoaster, haha! But i'm looking forward to a new month and so on.

Let's start with what i'm looking forward to; September is going to be a more interesting month for me if everything goes according to plan. If you've read my previous blogs, you'll know that i'm going to see a friends band, I may see one of my Punk-Rock idols, John Lydon (a.k.a Johnny Rotten) along with his band Public Image Ltd... also, this month the new Resident Evil movie (RE: Retribution) releases, so hopefully I can get someone over 17 to take me (it's rated R). And it's my two cousins' birthdays (on the 1st of Sep and on the 28th).

What i'm not looking forward to: ... School. It starts in less than one week (6 days). I hope i'm in the same classes as my friends, that will make things so much more better. It may not sound bad, but believe me, when you've attended for 4 years and surrounded by no-one but chavs. It's terrible. 

But since it feels like i've been on a wild rollercoaster, with all the experiences i've been through and feelings that have been felt (although it may not seem like many to you guys). A huge after effect has taken place and i've been feeling extra creative and i've had many ideas for guitar chords structures, lyrics etc... popping up in my head.

So yeah, all in all, it looks like it's going to be a good month. But anything could happen or change last minute so expect the unexpected kids!


Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Blah Blah Blah!


For those that read my blog yesterday, I was talking about my guitar etc...

Well, I got the guitar today, and I must say, it is certainly epic, and i'm sure i'll have 'Dee' for a long time! He sounds awesome when he's plugged into an amp, and is beautiful in general so yeah. 

Also, it is my Dad's fortieth birthday today, so Happy Birthday to my wonderful Dad!

Everything went according to plan, and I hope it stays like that for the rest of the year, because so much awesome stuff should be happening xD



Monday, 27 August 2012

Forever waiting...

So, I haven't done a blog in quite a while, so here you go!

Just a few things i'm going to 'update' you on:

Tomorrow, i'm going to get my sort-of-new guitar off a friend, it's a Epiphone SG Cherry Red, and also, tomorrow it's my dad's birthday, he's the big forty tomorrow, so happy early birthday dad!

The Epiphone SG Cherry Red
Public Image Ltd

It'd going to be a rad next two-3 months!

In September me and my mate are going to see my other friends' band, they're called Forget The Kiss and they're going to be awesome live xD. The day after that the new Resident Evil: Retribution movie is going to be  Then i'm going to lightwater valley, and and on the 21st of Sep I may go see Johnny Rotten and his band Public Image Ltd in my own city! It's going to be fucking awesome! One of my idols!

And then in October it will be my birthday on the 14th, then Halloween on the 31st YAY!! :D


P.S. I lied, there is one downside... going back to school. Also, all those events that i'm going do/doing are all in chronological order :D

Friday, 10 August 2012

Day 5 - End Of The Music Course.

So, as I write this, I am glad and quite sad. I'll explain why:

So, as you know i've attended the UMT (Urban Music Training) Course and i've met, bonded and obviously made friends with cool new people. I've had an absolutely amazing time (minus the annoying 11 year olds) making music, recording, performing and just being together with new friends. Therefore i'm extremely glad i've taken on this course.

But the saddening thing for me is, these new amazing friends i've made I will hardly see and the only contact I   have is Facebook and Twitter. Plus, the guys in our band were so awesome, friendly and humorous, it makes going back to school and seeing all those chavs and dickheads everyday for 2 extra years a pain in the arse.

But the other band my friends are in (called Forget The Kiss) may be performing soon in September, so I can root for my new friends there and catch up etc...

But yeah, in general i've had an awesome time :)

~ RachLaDudette

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Music Course: Day 4

Today has got to be the best day so far, we've done nothing but practice, practice, practice and then the final moment came... AND WE RECORDED!

I have to say, I hope I don't sound like i'm boasting, but the recording sounds really good!

And those 11 year old's are still being annoying... dayumn.

~ RachLaDudette

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Music Course: Day 3

So today once again was awesome guys, all day we just spent eating and practicing our songs, and at the end performed. At dinner we went to the shop, and we had a (friendly) food fight with a band sitting near us outside at dinner, we were throwing bags of nuts off each other. Yup.

All day we ALL spoke in Herbert the Perverts voice and i'm literally surprised my voice isn't gone. And my fingers are all red off playing bass, but they don't hurt so it's all good.

And again about that little annoying 11 year old, she wouldn't shut up shouting, and when a band came up and performed (probably one of the best bands as well) she was yelling "Nooo! Not this band, their terrible repeating song will be stuck in my head all day!" . Guys, i'm not even joking I kept on turning around and looking her in the eye, how disrespectful.

But other than that, it's been an amazing day, and tomorrow we're going to record so we gotta get everything spot on :D

Also, our band is called 'Bongos and Bagpipes' just because we left the name last minute and also for the sake of comedy xD


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Music Course: Day 2.

So, the 2nd day of the music course has gone by, and today has went really good as well!

Most of the time we spent practicing in our room that smells like wet dog and old buildings, but it's all good, because you get to find out more about your band members etc... we also went around watching all the other groups perform and after that we went for dinner.

Me and my other friend (whom just so happens to be called Rachael as well) were going to go to a vocal lessons workshop but instead went back to our room and practiced for a little while. Also, during our lunch our, we went into the main hall and messed around with some of the mics. Unfortunately, there were 2 annoying 11 year old kids that were showing off in an annoying manner and being complete douches that kinda ruined our fun.

Anyways, other than that, it was AWESOME! I think possibly tomorrow or Thursday we will be recording our music :)

Oh! And here's a picture of me climbing a wall pretending to be Spiderwoman :) 


Monday, 6 August 2012

The Music Course

Guys, I can't believe it, this music course is just............... AWESOME!

Yup, it's pretty amazing. Although I haven't met any people that are into the pop-punk genre, I have met other people that are pretty awesome. They're already in another band, but we're working together for this week >:D

Although the music we played was how would you describe, indie or soft rock it's still really good, quite looking forward to the performance we are doing on Friday :D

And that's all I will say!

~ RachLaDudette

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Dyed my hair... green!

Yes, so i've dyed my hair green, not all of it though, just the tips, it showed up brighter than I expected but it's not like neon. You can see it properly when you're out in the daylight :D

If you're wondering why i've dyed it green, is because I simply wanted to and because i'm going to a music course tomorrow until Friday and it's one of the ways I can express myself (besides my clothes hehe). The music course (called UMT for Urban Music Training) may sound like a camp, but I assure you it's not. We arrive there at half 10 I think until half 4 :)

Also, i've you're wondering what dye I used it's called La Riche Directions and the colour is called 'Apple Green' and one of the greatest things about it is, you don't need to bleach your hair for the colour to show, unless you want it extremely bright and vivid.

 Expect a blog about tomorrow also! 

~ RachLaDudette

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Rock n' roll!

Hola guys!

Today has been very rock n' roll for me today. Let's start.

My mam had to go to Asda to buy groceries and shiz, so me and my brother were left in the house alone. He was on xbox talking to his friends and I decided, 'hey, why not bring my guitar, lead and amp down and rock out the house?!'. And so I did. To be honest, i'm not brilliant at guitar, I tend to play the same songs, but hey, what other way are you going to get  better other than practice... unless you're magical.

Anyways, after an hour and a half or two, I decided to put my guitar and amp away. But oh no, I wasn't finished. To keep myself amused, I blasted Metallica through our computer speakers, and I had a 1 person mosh pit, I was that person.

Later on in the day, I had pizza for lunch, and then went off to get my hair cut. It's exactly how I wanted it and I couldn't be happier. I would describe it as a rocky-edgy hairstyle with a full fringe!
Anyways, I went outside, got bored and it was a 20 minute walk home from where I was at, and that didn't help because it was raining, so my lovely new hair got all frizzy.


~ RachLaDudette